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Bertelli out of Sweden

Wednesday, 14. 02. 2018 - 09:31, Public relations   

Bertelli out of Sweden

Lorenzo Bertelli has withdrawn his entry for next week's Rally Sweden (15 - 18 february).

The Italian drove M-Sport Ford World Rally Team's test Fiesta in Sweden on Thursday but announced today (Saturday) he would not start the second round of the FIA World Rally Championship.


"Unfortunately, due to unforeseen and unpostponable work commitments, I'm sadly forced not to take part to Rally Sweden," Bertelli wrote on Twitter.

"I was really looking forward to my favourite event of the season as a one-off and it's very hard from my side to miss it. I did a test a few days ago, the Fiesta WRC was awesome and my confidence and speed on snow were there.

"I apologise to the organisers, to the M-Sport team and to all the fans who wanted to see Simone (co-driver Scattolin) and I back in action in what is expected to be a rally with ideal snow conditions."

Sweden would have been Bertelli's first WRC start since YPF Rally Argentina last April.


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