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Austin 7 National Rally attracts entries from far and wide

Thursday, 27. 03. 2014 - 14:39, Zdenka Frývaldská   

Austin 7 National Rally attracts entries from far and wide

The fifty-second National Rally of pre-war Austin 7 motor cars, organised by the 750 Motor Club, takes place at the home of the National Motor Museum at Beaulieu, Hampshire on Sunday 6th July.

This year's theme is ‘Commercial Austin 7s' and some wonderful examples will join the hundreds of vehicles coming from far and wide to join the display. The 750 Motor Club has even heard from an owner in Spain who is bringing his commercial A7 to the rally!

Austins form the core of the event, but all tax-exempt historic vehicles of all makes are invited to attend and will have a designated parking area on the rally field. Following their highly successful attendance at the 2013 event, the Tacot Club Calaisen from France will be arriving en-masse with a fascinating collection of mainly-Gallic vehicles.


For anyone contemplating ownership of a pre-war motor car, the Austin 7 is an ideal starting point. Information and advice can be readily found, the 750 Motor Club offering a free ‘mentoring' service to those who seek guidance. The Austin 7 is relatively inexpensive to acquire, attracts free historic vehicle road tax, does not require an annual MOT, is easy to maintain, and specialist insurers provide excellent value insurance policies. A thriving network of suppliers ensures that spare parts are always available at reasonable cost.

The National Austin 7 Rally is an ideal day out for all the family. Beaulieu is home to a wide variety of attractions and the rally entry ticket also gives access to historic Palace House and Gardens as well as the National Motor Museum with its two new displays, For Britain & For The Hell Of It, featuring iconic Land Speed Record Cars and The Motorcycle Story, taking you on a journey through motorcycling history.

The event is sponsored by Warranty Direct and RH Specialist Insurance. Full details and entry forms can be found on the website: Gates open at 10am.


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