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Armstrong tops Sweden esports

Saturday, 24. 02. 2018 - 09:31, Public relations   

Armstrong tops Sweden esports

WRC driver Jon Armstrong showed his gaming skills are a match for his in-car prowess by winning the Rally Sweden round of the esports WRC championship last weekend.

Ulsterman Armstrong, who tackled two WRC 2 rounds last season in a Ford Fiesta R5, leads both the eSports drivers' series and the teams' standings after the snow and ice encounter.


He topped the Swedish fixture by 4.091sec over WED Subee203 after mastering the Karlstad super special and Knon stages on WRC 7, the official game of the FIA World Rally Championship.

After finishing third in the season-opening Rallye Monte-Carlo and second at Rallye Deutschland, he holds a six-point lead over 2017 champion TX3 Nexl, who opened his title defence with maximum points in Monte-Carlo last month.

Sweden also marked the opening round of the teams' championship and Armstong, WED Subee203 and WED Greekman put the WRC Edrivers Club into a 20-point lead over Virtualdrivers by TX3.

Round four will be fought out on Mexico's gravel next month, the season's first dirt road event.


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