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Accolades for Anttila

Tuesday, 26. 06. 2018 - 10:31, Public relations   

Accolades for Anttila

Co-driver Miikka Anttila became the first competitor to start 200 WRC rounds at Rally Italia Sardegna last weekend.

The 45-year-old Finn celebrated the landmark achievement before the rally when his Toyota Gazoo Racing team screened a video telling the story of his career, alongside plaudits from team-mates and WRC colleagues.

Anttila's career began after he answered a newspaper advertisement in 1995 seeking interest in a coaching school for co-drivers.


He made his WRC debut in Finland in 1999 alongside Janne Tuohino and briefly partnered Mikko Hirvonen before joining forces with Jari-Matti Latvala in 2003.

He has won 17 WRC rallies alongside his fellow countryman, claimed 61 podium finishes and notched up 498 stage wins.

Latvala and Anttila's Yaris World Rally Car sported a commemorative logo in Sardinia, but there was no fairytale result. They retired from third with alternator failure in the opening leg before returning to finish seventh.

"It's great to see Miikka breaking this record," said Latvala, who presented his colleague with an award (below). "The goal of winning the world championship is still there and we're ambitious to keep working together to achieve that.

"He is the perfect co-driver for me, very calm and precise, and he is able to calm me down when I need it."


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