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Aïcha des Gazelles Rally: a great Renault success

Sunday, 31. 03. 2013 - 12:31, Martin Trenkler   

Aïcha des Gazelles Rally: a great Renault success

After 15 days of racing, six stages and 12 to 14 hours of orientation a day, the eight "Gazelles" in the Women@Renault team all crossed the finish line in Essaouira on March 30 at the wheel of their Dacia Dusters.

In teams of two, the six employees finished in first, second and ninth place in the Crossover category. The Renault team competing in the 4x4/Truck category came fifteenth out of 127.

Renault's third consecutive participation in the Aïcha des Gazelles Rally is part of the Women@Renault plan aimed at promoting women in the company.


Some 300 competitors took part in the 23rd "Gazelles Rally", an orientation race based on smarts and endurance. After 15 days of racing, the four Renault teams each drove an average 2,500 kilometers in their Dacia Dusters, which were specially adapted for the event. "We are proud of the rankings of our ‘Gazelles'. Day after day they showed tremendous commitment, courage, generosity and solidarity, in a race that was full of surprises and unexpected turnarounds," said Claire Martin, Director of Corporate Social Responsibility at Renault and member of the Ethics Committee of the Aïcha des Gazelles Rally.

Crossover category

Anne-Sophie Cally and Paulina Hachoud (team 317) finished first in the Crossover category.

"We are thrilled with our experience in the rally, even if we would have liked to be more daring! Sometimes you get the same feeling that you have when you're skiing, slaloming between clumps of camel grass. Our hands were constantly in action and our eyes constantly on the lookout!"

Laetitia Rodier and Sylvie Quittot (team 316) came second out of the 12 teams in the category.

"We started to feel tired as the rally went on because we didn't have a minute's rest. We had to keep a constant eye on the road - looking out for potholes and bumps and stones - and a firm grip on the fluttering map. We're exhausted but delighted and proud to have completed the race! For us this rally is all about going beyond your limits."

Saida Benhamida and Safae Challal (team 315) finished ninth.

"We actually surprised ourselves in this race! When we got stuck in a wadi we worked with the other cars to push ourselves out of trouble. Duster is very impressive - it can take you places where other cars can't! If we had been alone, we would definitely have chosen to take the track around the obstacle. But together we got past it. That's also what the Rally des Gazelles is about!"

4X4 / Truck category

Team 118, namely Mélanie Suchet and Catherine Houlès, came 15th out of the 127 teams competing in the 4x4/Truck category.

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