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Muller: retaking WTCR title lead can wait

Sunday, 04. 08. 2002 - 15:31, Public relations   

Muller: retaking WTCR title lead can wait

Yvan Muller's retirement from Race 3 at WTCR Race of Slovakia earlier this month meant he was unable to capitalise on Gabriele Tarquini's earlier exit by reclaiming the lead of the WTCR - FIA World Touring Car Cup presented by OSCARO.

Muller arrived in Slovakia with a 22-point advantage over Tarquini but left three points down on his rival after a front-left wheel failure forced him to join Tarquini on the DNF list after Tarquini was eliminated in a first-lap crash.


However, the world's most successful touring car driver said retaking the championship lead can wait until the resumption of WTCR OSCARO battle in China at the end of September.

"We lost the wheel [when] something broke on the front left," said Muller. "We lost the opportunity to take the leadership back, but, never mind, it will be for the next race."

WTCR Race of China-Ningbo takes place from 28-30 September. While Tarquini has previous experience of racing at the 4.01-kilometre Ningbo International Speedpark, the venue will be all-new for Muller.


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